

Row by Row Quilt in Progress

I got ready to quilt this quilt called Row by Row on my longarmer. Before I loaded it I noticed how nice the rows looked from the back. I am a firm believer in pressing my quilts. It really makes a difference and helps with accuracy when lining things up.

Once I got it ready to go I stitched 3 rows of quilting. I got halfway through the 4th row when bam! the machine just stopped. It was like the power went out. Except that the lights were on, the television was still on and everything else power-wise was still working. I instantly turned the machine to the off position and back on. Nothing. I unplugged and plugged it in and nothing. The light was on on the surge protector so I suspected that it was not power related. I even plugged the machine in a different outlet. Nothing. I checked all the connections, asked my husband to double-check the power and everything was fine. It looks like I have to make a service call. So this is as far as this quilt is going to get until I figure out what's going on. What a bummer.


Sophia's Birthday Quilt

This is Sophia's birthday present. Sophia is my daughter's friend's daughter. Sophia's older sister, Lilly is my granddaughter's best friend. Of course I made Lilly a quilt for her birthday and Lilly's mom was so thrilled and appreciative that I couldn't help but want to make one for Lilly's little sister. We've always been invited to these girls' birthday parties so it wasn't unusual for me to make this quilt for this little girl.

Her favorite colors are pink and purple and other than that, I just knew she was like many other little girls who like things that sparkle. So this fabric seemed appropriate for this quilt. I made 12 large star blocks and sewed them together to make the rows. I didn't use a quilt pattern, just instructions for the big 12-inch star block and added a small inner border and a larger outer border. It was pretty quick and easy.

I quilted this using a pantograph called Cloud of Hearts. It compliments the little fairy princesses on the fabric nicely. 

I like how it turned out and I sure hope Sophia (and her mother) like it. 

Sue's Wisconsin State Fair Winner

My friend Sue won 1st Place at the Wisconsin State Fair for her modern quilt. I am so proud of her! She sent me a message thanking me for the use of my longarm which was totally unnecessary. She is always welcome here - I would not have that longarm without her encouragement and support.

Here is her quilt hanging at the fair. I love it. She did a great job putting it all together and it is beautiful.
Sue Healy


Toy Story (Buzz Lightyear) Quilt

I am doing this game (challenge) found over on the Country Threads Chicken Scratch blog called Connie's Dirty Dozen. The idea is to find 12 of your unfinished projects (UFOs) and number them from 1 through 12. Each month a number will be drawn by Connie and that's the numbered project you need to complete by the end of the month. You can read all the rules and instructions for the game here. The game started with July and last month I finished my #8 in two weeks. I had extra incentive in that I was donating the quilt to my church's art fair on the 20th of July so it really needed to get done. Country Threads posted the photo I sent them of my quilt here. Yay! I am keeping up with the game (so far- ha ha).

For August Connie drew #3 so here is my August project all done:
Buzz Lightyear Quilt

Buzz Lightyear Quilt

Toy Story Quilt

Toy Story Quilt

This quilt will go to Quilts for Kids. As you can see the fabric has Buzz Lightyear all over it in large print. I struggled to figure out how to cut up the fabric to make quilt blocks and still see that it's Buzz on the fabric. So I found this cute free tutorial here called the Novelty Quilt tutorial. I thought it was perfect for this fabric so I fussy cut all the Buzz images as well as his enemy. I used all leftover scraps from my scrap bin of solids to make the 2-inch squares. It was a very economical project. I used high-loft batting when I quilted this in order to make the quilting pop. I think I was successful. The quilt feels nice and puffy yet still soft.

So I'm 2 months into the Dirty Dozen game and I feel like am "winning"!


Cindy's Charity Quilt

I quilted my friend Cindy's quilt for her today. I should say over the past few days. It's a pretty big quilt so it took me a while to complete the quilting. It didn't help that I chose a harder pantograph to use for the quilt design.

The pantograph is called ripples and there's lots of curls and waves in it. I wanted to make sure I did a good job for her so I made sure I took my time. It did take a while to complete each row sine they were pretty long rows.

I used a variegated thread from the Superior Thread Omni-V line, the color is called Rolling Hills. It sure felt like a perfect match to the colors of the quilt blocks.  For the back of the quilt I used So Fine thread in Glacier. What a pretty name for a turquoise color thread.

Urban Elementz

The quilt is for a charity raffle and the money will go to the PKD (Polycystic Kidney Disease) Foundation.


What's on the design board?

My design board doesn't have any new quilt projects on it except to say that the leftovers from the recently finished One Direction quilt are present. I want to make pillow covers with the orphan blocks and I'm just trying to figure out how to arrange them in a way to use them all up and make them look cute.

I also have some orphan blocks that I'm hoping inspire me to make more Lori Holt-Farm Girl-like quilts. They are a bit putzy so we shall see.

This last week was spent cleaning out my studio and it's amazing how inspired I was to start new things once that was done. I cut 2 new kits to take with me to the senior center sew days. Before cleaning things out, I just couldn't get inspired. I think it was the giant stacks of leftover scraps from other projects that were staring at me - clogging my brain. Ha!

Missouri Star Quilt Co Pattern

Missouri Star Quilt Co Pattern

This time of year is when I spend a lot of time gardening. The produce I get is never taken for granted. Gardening is hard work and I love the rewards Mother Nature brings. I used up the last of the snow peas that I picked in some garlic chicken. It's one of my husband's favorite recipes so there was none left when that dinner was done.