
Mystery Quilt Class

Sew N Save is celebrating their 40th anniversary this year so to commemorate the year there's a mystery quilt project box filled with lots of goodies. Included in the box is a 40% off coupon for every month of the year. It was worth the purchase just for the coupons. 

I really didn't like the fabrics in the kit but I wanted to be a team player so I went to the class to make the quilt. It went together very quickly. By the end of the 4-hour class I had all the blocks made. I could have taken the time to put the quilt together while I was there but I really wanted to use my design board and make sure I arranged them in a pleasing way. 

Once I had the blocks sewn together. I added the border. Unfortunately, I picked out the border fabric before the quilt was put together.  I sewed the border on and I hated them. So on my next trip to the quilt shop I took the sewn blocks and picked out something that was a better match. It's funny how even though the original border matched the fabrics in the kit, when the blocks were done, it was a very different story.

I longarmed the quilt with a nice swirl to complement the straight strips. It went together quickly and I'm glad I finished it but it's just not my style. I plan on listing it for sale on Etsy. It really is a cool looking quilt with all the little gold specks in the fabrics.


Gingersnap Quilt

A line of fabric called My Red Wagon by Henry Glass hit the clearance section at the quilt shop last year and I picked some up. It had some pretty prints and some I just didn't understand. The colors didn't really seem to go together, I wonder if that's why most of it was in clearance. In an effort to use up what I have, I found that this fabric line would be good with the Gingersnap quilt pattern by Villa Rosa. It seems I can't get enough of those Villa Rosa pattern cards lately.

The Gingersnap pattern uses large chunks of fabric so I thought I could easily place the border print where a large print would go. I also had so much of one of the prints that it would easily make the backing and enough was left over for the center block. The patchwork used up some fat quarters and another larger piece made the borders. As you can see from the finished quilt, none of it coordinates. 

This was a good experiment in putting colors together that I normally wouldn't. I don't care for the results but I'm glad I followed through and finished it. 

I will send this quilt off to Quilts for Kids. The little wagons are very cute and some of the fabrics are quite charming. I do love the backing fabric.

I pieced the backing in order to use up all the leftover fabrics. It felt good to use up more of my stash.