I finished this dog themed quilt using a panel then build all the blocks around it. It was fun to add different elements and watch it grow - haha! It was and experiment in color and design. I think I will send it to Quilts for Kids.
There's a little shop called Country Sisters, City Sisters nearby that makes wooden barn blocks. You book a session with them to paint it in whatever colors you want. I had a lot of fun making one. Although I don't like the colors of pink I chose, I think I should have made it a darker pink. I might have to go back and fix it before I add the finishing coats to seal it. I do know that I definitely want to make more of these.
I used my new Cricuit Maker 3 to make some elements for this story board I completed for the American Legion Auxiliary. It was fun to finally get to try the machine. Now I am really hooked.