
Town Square Quilt and the last Sock Monkey Quilt

From the book Easy Peasy 3-Yard Quilts, I used the pattern Town Square for this charity quilt. I've used this pattern a few times before. It goes together quickly only this time I did a few modifications.

As the book claims, you need 1 yard of 3 different fabrics to make them. I didn't have enough of a coordinating green fabric so I used two different half-yard green prints. It took a little extra planning but it all worked out in the end.

I've had the cute pea pod fabric for a very long time so I was happy to finally used it up.

Sock Monkey Quilt

I longarm quilted this with a really nice pantograph design that I didn't know I had. It was an easy pattern to follow. I'm certain I will use this one more now that I know I have it - haha!

I also completed another Sock Monkey quilt using a Villa Rosa pattern called Fire and Rain. I couldn't wait to finish this quilt. Finishing it means I've used up and entire fat quarter bundle of Sock Monkey fabrics. This is the fourth quilt I've made from that bundle and the last. I only had a few fat quarters left when this top was done so I made sure to incorporate them into the back even if they did't really match. I was bound and determined to use it all up no matter what. It's amazing what you can do with one bundle of fabric. It was quite a challenge and I now I'm ok if I never see sock monkey prints ever again - haha! This quilt will be off to Quilts for Kids the next time we meet.
Sock Monkey Quilt