
Quilting for a Friend

I was really hoping to finish this quilt before we left for Orlando but I just couldn't make it happen. It belongs to my friend Cindy who will auction it off at a charity event that she supports. The charity raises funds for PKD, a kidney disease that her step-daughter has. It's a terrible disease that has put her step-daughter on the kidney transplant list. 

Each year she makes a quilt for the event and it continually makes lots of money. I'm happy to support her efforts, I'm sure it must be difficult to watch someone you care about suffer. Hopefully the transplant will happen in time to save her step daughter.

I used a feather pattern for the pantograph and I just happened to have a spool of variegated thread in blues and teals that match the fabrics perfectly. I love how it turned out.

My little helper was happy to watch me take the quilt off the longarmer. He just loves to hang out in the sewing room with me. 

And here's a photo of my granddaughter Avery at Disney World. We were there for her birthday where she had breakfast with the princesses in Cinderella's castle. It was supposed to happen for her 8th birthday but the pandemic pushed it off for a few years. It finally happened this year and we are glad we got to make it happen for her as promised so long ago. 

Disney World