I love the sewing/quilting blogger world. It provides so much inspiration and ideas that sometimes it's all a little overwhelming. Besides getting ideas for new quilt patterns or crafts, it's a great resource for buying fabrics and supplies as well. My favorite added bonus is the giveaways. I keep putting my comments on all those blogger sites in the hopes that maybe someday I will win something they are giving away. Even though I don't expect to win, I am a little snobbish - I only enter contests where the item is somethings I really would use.
As it turns out, today is the day! I won an Aurifil thread sampler from Katy over at
ImAGingerMonkey. It was part of a giveaway from Katy's posting on the Zakka Style Sew Along. Katy highly recommends the book and I had already ordered it before she offered up the items. I sincerely thank her and all those blogger sewists for all they do to keep sewing and quilting alive and interesting.
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